The artwork




40th Birthday present depicting Camerons life.Painted in Gouache

Cameron Clark

Our old punk tries on his old uniform and uses his broken fishing rod as the microphone. His shirt displays the sex pistols album and the badge says stiff little fingers. On his knee is the plaster cast displays the names of his old pals. Instead of a traditional badge in his kilt he has the punk anarchy symbol. On his jacket and in the bin are references to his run in with Ryanair in the form of an airfix model. The paint tin reflects the name of his punk band and the pub he played in as a “green tree” product. On the bowls are his initials and his date of birth. The belt buckle is a relief of the boys brigade badge.

The top picture shows Beverley outside Monty’s sporting a tee shirt that states “Jag Ar inte Svenke” which means I am not Swedish -in Swedish !!
The Second represents the traditional hogmanay tartan duffle bag . The whiskey does not belong to our first footer as they are called “Cadjoftohm” ( cadge off Tom) and “Dunbyen”(done buying).
The third represents the music festivals The T in the park badge with a sign for no showers and toilets questionable ! The mud runs out of the wellies and overflows out of the picture.

Sits on the wall and supports the Dundee scarf. Behind is the promo poster for Laurel and Hardy
On the shelf are the relics from the past, The winning cup from the Fungi essay. The old brass microscope where the beasties have decided to move off the slide and join the Fungus in the cup! Oor Wullie asks a question “who’s For tea” relating to his new age ! Hanging in the nail is the Queen Anne High School “Tawse” called “the Best” as in six of the best- is the name in blood? . Has the skull been Ice skating as it has teeth missing??

The antique globe has a hitchhiker trekking across the world with flags showing where he used to live and has been.


Cameron main picture